[SYS.NOTE:{Never forget to ctrl+f5. This UI is obtuse on purpose, because it's indifferent to you. When in doubt, scroll and click everything.}]
// Added pages 143-144

// Added pages 138-142

// And THAT'S the end of chapter 4.
I figured it was just cleaner reader experience-wise to just post the rest of it already so we can go and start off fresh on the next chapter. Who's ready to WALK A SHIT TON???
// Added pages 136-137

// Added pages 134-135
// AHHHH, finally, some grade-A seaside viewing.

// Added page 133
// Added page 132

// Added pages 128 - 131

// How about we start this year with a little bit of a house shaker?
Story ends here. yeah they died. Sorry. lol.
// Added page 127
//Can't you believe it? End of the year, just a couple days away. I am so happy about this information- oh god damnit OK which picmix making pixer keeps making these. I'm pissed
// Added page 126
// God damn, have you looked at the calandar? Wish I had a present for all of you but sadly I'm broke, yet THANKFULLY some other creature made this to give to all. Am I lucky or what?
Happy Fitzgerald!
// Added page 125
// Added page 124
// Added idiot specification to footer
// Changed socials to bluesky
// Week four???!!??
Yeah this's pretty doable, I think I'll be aiming to a post once a week on Friday from now on. Emphasis on aiming.
Also, We have made multiple update accounts on Tumblr, Bluesky, and Twitter.
Do follow the bluesky one though, that one's my favorite.
They're a little bare for now as We are currently working on booting them up... You may notice the same account on other sites, of course, but a magician. Never uh. Shows their DMs or whatever, y'know what I don't owe NOBODY ANYTHIN'. NNNEEEERRRRDDDD.
This's a very exciting time for the project, though, can't wait to paint and post it all. For now however, we're still left with a trickle as I work on maintaining that schedule.
// Added page 123
This's actually a day early because of holidays .
Really has been a great way to gauge how doable it'd be to do consistent weekly updates, especially if I'd want to set up some form of income from people that're interested in it.
I think after the fourth week I'll step back to being a bit between semi-consistent, however much I DO like this format of posting I'd like to strike an in-between for the time being.
We'll see though.
HAPPY uh,,, Thanksgiving was it? I dunno. MERRY CHRISTMAS.

// Added page 122
// Added City of Mirrors
Seriously though don't expect this to happen a third time, I just wanted to see what'd be like to complete a page set in a week after having it drafted beforehand. Turns out it's actually pretty doable. Definitely isn't very casual, however.
However, it does make the reality of (god forbid) PATREON or something happening, I could practically commit to a schedule, give or take, while putting the sketches and concept art up early.
But y'know, funny things to think about. Let's see if I can go for week 3 :)
// Replaced chatbox
// Rearanged music list
// Added Wires & Snakes, Obligatory Cadence, The Cleaner
// Added pages 120 - 121
// Added custom domain
// Added more to backlog

//Must've been the wind.
Excuse the month silence and piddly page dump, but I basically spent my time on this planet planning ahead... So I can attempt a single WRETCHED concept;
Do a page or two. Bi-weekly.
Very very scary idea, I know. But I'm going to try it. And we'll only know if I succeed when I'm back on this board saying hello in like, one or two weeks.
Oh also happy halloween lmao
// Added page 119
// Redone pages 88 - 89
// Added Sea-Watch, It Breaks (Chapter IX)

// You've ever been fortunate enough to listen to a song so good it makes you realize with grave certainty that you missed the mark for your target vibes by a landslide? Yeah so I hear It Breaks and had to change a few things. The dream segments continue to be my absolute favorite to do. And I'm not kidding.
// Re-added Info and Backlog
// Added pages 115 - 118
// Added Eyes & Mouth
// Added more followers to info.
// Ohohohoh, we gettin' to that GOOD MONTH. Too bad it's goddamn hot in October now, I'm really hurting for some lukewarm temps after september. Gaud...
Ah well, In the meantime I've got some material for the Backlog that I haven't added to it, but you'll all rue the day when I do. It's allot. I'll probably go back to both Info and Backlog some time later to style them better, but for now they'll remain accessible for quite a while to come. On PC. I'd rather pull teeth than do any more mobile phone support dog.........
//Another website revamp. Clear your cache.
(INFO and BACKLOG missing & some assets placeholder; finalization TBD)
// Added pages 112 - 114
//Added more followers to info.

// I am now fairly certain someone has seen the comic at this point.
Well, to celebrate, the entire site has been rewritten from the ground up, replacing and remaking almost every single asset. This was kinda a spur of the moment, but hopefully the design of it doesn't betray that. Should be nice to look at now, more accessible for mobile users, and be easier for me to add to in the future. Moment of silence for the crooked computer screens and the Admin Hands nav buttons.

On a different note, I've never had any events or extra content planned for milestones, mostly because I'd never believe anyone to be interested in such a thing, But... Maybe at one point I could host a character Q&A? MAY be tacky, and it isn't feasable at this point in the comic, but. It could be fun. Who knows. I'm curious if anyone reads these, so I guess this's a test.

Text NO to this website RIGHT NOW!

Regardless, let's go enjoy the next 100,000 views, maybe. Or instead maybe in another year we can actually read any other better comic??????

The next thing on my list besides continuing forward is going back to chapter 2... It's the next most jank thing here. Congradulitis, N6ers or whatever you want to call yourselves.
// Added pages 108 - 111
//Added more followers to info.
// Added pages 106, 107
//Added more followers to info.
//Added old pages 4-13 to gallery.
// Fulfilling my duty as an archivist of my own interest and leaking the old pages of my own damn comic. I am a GENIUS and a headspace CEO.
// Added pages 104, 105
//Added more followers to info.
// I got so much planned and done, guys, but it's all IN THE NEXT CHAPTER RRGGAAAAAAA
// Added pages 102, 103
//Added On A Good Day, Broken Pieces, Slowly, Little By Little
//Added more followers to info.
// Quite literally this image rn
// Added the gallery; New art, wallpapers, info.
// Added a work by Ohmanit to gallery
// Added a work by Genosad
// Added new redirection page for Neocities users (the index is hub now, may require a new bookmark)
// Fixed popup for mobile
// May not be pages, per se, but I finally added something that I've been wanting for quite awhile; A bonus material section! Currently unfinished both in design and in content, but I hope to eleviate the former by making a specific area for content made by others.
It was mostly just done because it was fun to do, I probably won't touch up on it in awhile, but I hope it's at least fun to look at.
// Modified pages 83 - 85
// Added page 101
// Added more followers to info.

// I did NOT plan to have this be exactly two months after the last update, lmao.
After a """""Small""""" pause for May (due to a guilty gear mega hit), we're back on our oh-so-slow drip feed of progress. After some page shuffling, we ended up just a bit over page 100, so. Hooray !
Thanks to that little break I also have half or so of the next chapter planned. It won't come quicker, but it'll definitely be more fun to produce. Can't wait to start cooking when we hit the road soon.
// Added pages 89-98
// Added Streetcrawler
// Added pages 81-88

// Happy end of March. Here's some of those pages I'd mentioned last update! They've gotta be the most fun to plot out yet. I ended up traveling a ton this week, so I now have a plethora of pictures involving fuck-off nothing landscapes. My specialty! If you've got a good eye you'll be able to spot a few in the backgrounds of this update... Just don't strain your eyes like some psychonautic idiot. Whoever chose the color palette here needs to be fired.
// Added pages 79-80
// Added Triangle, Orphans, very normal Alberto Balsalm, Avril 14th
(Lemme just Aphex my Twin for a sec)

What the hell

It's been a special treat for myself as I get to have someone's site dropboxed directly to my doorstep to go look forward to whenever they follow. Thank you so much.
I've made sure to offer a quick blurb of each one as I look through them which I've placed with their buttons on Info.
Honestly it's much more fun thank just normally link-hopping across Neocities, because you'll never know who'll follow you.
Some of them don't have buttons so I resorted to putting their name up there instead.

Sorry for coming back with such a small load (ignoring my past journey into cookies lmao) after so long, I've got a few pages in the near future that I consider are quite 'experimental' ((because they where a PAIN in the ASS to plan)) which you'll hopefully soon see enough (((thank god)))! They've got to be my favorites to draw as of yet; No doubt because the headspace is SO DAMN easy to draw versus real life.
// Fixed multiple formatting issues on mobile across the main site, including plenty on desktop
// Tweaked and optimized multiple images
// Updated updateboard CSS
//OK I'll work on the comic now lol.
// COOKIES?!?!?
// Bookmark added; Access it with [SWITCH.MEMLOG] after sufficient reading (>the first page).
// Added popup on first entry

// FINALLY, something I will NEVER DEBUG and the three people who mentioned it asked for; You can now save your place!
Due to my particular flavor of incredible js ability, however, it's kind of got its own unique flavor of 'why is it built like that'.
It logs the url of the page you're on as you read, and through the most cruckshit ruckshod shidfug russian car mod of a script it will call your 'bookmark' into a seperate button. The little red [SWITCH.MEMLOG] switches the two buttons between each other, allowing you to choose whether you want to start reading on the first page or continue on the saved URL you departed from. If you don't have one already, though, Admin just gets really sad.
This'll be especially important later when the comic gets more and more erroniously long, and I'm glad to have figured it out once and for all. I can't think of this being a GREAT way for other users of the Rarebit template to install a cookie system, but so far to my knowledge I'm the only one that's made a bookmark system, so... Hey, to any Rarebit user out there looking at how to do so, it's definitely possible. It isn't pretty, but if you want to somehow rip out the substack-and-google-learnt JS of mine from here, you're free to do so.
Regardless, with how much I actually know about JS, I'm the goddamn giddiest man on the planet having this work at all. Let's hope there isn't TOO many glaring oversights, eh?
// Added page 78
// Added site buttons; Added to Info
// Let a couple cats into Info
// Really just completed Info
// Sorry, it's been slow going because I took a break after redoing the comic. If you're a little bored, however, here's a hot tip: go take a walk.
There's allot more fun things to look at in Info now, however, including a bunch of backlog one-off jokes, creatures, and an ease-of-access hotlink to the buttons. Now I don't like hotlinking as a practice, but I can definitely understand the benefits of it. I even made an alt button, though the dimentions are all wrong (off by ONE pixel!! Blasted machine)
// Added pages 73 - 77
// Rewrote and changed CH.1 and CH.2
// Added In All This Heavy Blue, 1, Interlude, GoGoCon
// First expanded page added to info (Wallpaper of pg.1)
// Oops I tripped and now the comic kind of got a massive renovation? Thank winter and an internet blowout for that.
Firstly, I entirely repainted about 11 or so pages, overpainted 20, and adjusted the dialogue on every single one of them, so hopefully this's an upgrade and not a downgrade! If you read the last updateboard installments then you could guess this's a long time coming.
Now I haven't gotten to dividing the larger pages into smaller files as to test the applicability of longer single file pages (mostly because I'm lazy and possibly a LITTLE burnt out redoing everything and don't wanna snap a bunch of images into thirds as well) so there may be loading issues until I actually sit down and break them up, but for now I think I've done enough sitting for a year.

Oh, and P.S.; HAPPY NEW YEAR. And happy 50,000 views and 15 followers?!!!!! I haven't thanked each of you individually, but I do wanna at least thank you for following.
P.S.S. to GS: I FINALLY made that wallpaper, I put it in Info. Merry christmas lol !
// Added pages 71
// Added pages 70
// Added Allt Är Skit
// Added pages 69
// Added actual "info" in info
// Attempts at android fixes
// Apologies for such a small update despite the hiatus, after ch.2 was finished I'd decided to block out the entire chapter first before illustrating. That's half done, but rest assured that it's gonna be a BIG one. Good news; You get to see Admin. Bad news; You get to see Admin.

I also might've added the cbox back in because, well... I missed it a lil' bit, ok. Just a little emotionally attatched to it, y'know. It's just a lil' guy. So now we have TWO boxes!! Yaay. Also, can you believe I've been working on this for over a year now? I can't. There's only two chapters, but it's been a bit of a cruckshit year anyways, so it is what it is.
I'm just glad I can still work on this. It's all coming together... slowly!
// Added pages 62-68

// Removed iframe layout (Might improve mobile loading times; You can save your spot for later by keeping the tab open now... Hopefully?)
// Renovated characters
// Added Lambent Rag
// Mobile ver. finally completed
// Actually added the Comment Widget by virtualobserver.moe this time
//Yes I did rewrite the entire site in two days. Was it unecessary? Maybe. Will it fix problems? I dunno. Am I healthy after that? NUH UH! Was it fun though? YUH UH.
You might've noticed that the cbox was locked... And that's because, as I thought about it, I decided that I adored the grassroots approach that Ayano's widget provided, and like; It's so cool. Who wouldn't want that widget it's so cool. so there we go Voilà.
Genosadness also made some wallpapers out of the assets of the site, which completely made my day. Great timing; I'm putting one of these fools up on my terminal.
I'll get to painting some scenes for a wallpaper format soon, especially considering how much art I have of this project just laying around... So maybe a library of artwork would be great. It could even give easy access to (god forbid) other peoples' art of the project. Perhaps I should get that gallery maker started up!
// Added pages 58 - 61
// Added touchups around the site
// New splashart (The Horrors.webp)
// Added Bonita Camisa
// Nice to see this again. Please excuse the unnanounced hiatus, I'm not one to announce much of anything... And this one took particularly long as I had treked far and wide along the West Coast to find anything involving cookies for this damn thing particularly for the ones who take little bites out of this thing instead of one clean chomp. I'd found a spirit of the sump that had nothing to give me but an ordain into muckhood. I sadly had to turn them down, but it still didn't solve any issue whatsoever.
Oh, and I should probably say I'd also gotten into a bit of a slump for a couple weeks, but that's hopefully over!
I think the most productive thing I did this update was finally install everything from the old site, so now I can think about really branching out the site... and I made things rotate.
You HEARD it, instances. Rotation.

Lastly, next year I'll hopefully do something special for it and not miss such such an all-favorite and all-encompassing holiday, but for now, all I can say is Happy Belated(tm) Halloween.
// Added pages 55 - 57
// Added pages 53 - 54
// MASSIVE mobile support update; Added unique splash, replaced characters with comms, and now Archive should now work.
// New audio; Midnat
// There's still a few things that are not functional in the mobile version such as character info and author's notes on each page, but... I cut my losses.
There was only so much time before I regrew my distain for mobile phone development. NOW you can look at this on a much tinier screen.
// pages 51 - 52 added
// New audio; Gaia, Electroneering
// Added """"info"""" w/ ""fanart"" corner
// We hit 30,000 views!! GODDAMN!!!!! THANKS MATES.
// pages 48 - 50 added
// Added music player
// Just added a music player because it was funny, and I wanna make at least half use of the sites' supporter tier. :)
Also might've lied with the last update, turned out page 50 was a doosy to illustrate and I didn't get as much done as I hoped... But now there WILL be a substantial update in the future.
// page 47 added
// Completed Desktop layout
// Connected art account
//Guess who learned @keyframes! I added some flair to the screens around the place, but please feel free to message me if any flickering's too much; I'd rather have it off than badly strain some eyes.
Currently Info still isn't completed yet, but I'm planning a little collection of info and art of sorts when the time comes. The next update, however, is gonna be QUITE a few pages...
// Phone support beta
//This's VERY rough around the edges, expect some things to break. However, I figure it's better than not having it available at all!
(Don't forget to clear your cache!)
// The new en six look, officially done within 3 days on an HTML binge.
Upside; Better looking site! Downside; No phone support for now and some pages aren't ported over. Lol, lmao.
// Added page 43-46
// Added two more videoports to huey
// Warning for outdated pages added to chapter one
// General touchups around the site

//Hello again.
It's been an especially dragged-out couple of months in the reality department, but I managed to make a few pages to hunker down into I in the meantime. Hope you enjoy!
The artwork will me much more solid moving forward; But as I now have some free time back, I'm thinking of having some fun with the site once again.
So, NOW I'm going to be planning to entirely revisit the site's pages, making it's design much more comprehensive than beforehand and possibly give it a break from rarebit's template. Their framework's REAL wonderful, but I'm feeling a lil' creative and hopefully I can really make the site's layout it even more funky than it is now.
I've also opened up a tumblr a bit ago which I'll be posting art to every once in awhile. They'll be a place to find it besides being tucked away in this word pit later, but for now you can find me here.
Regardless, I wish you another good couple of months.
// Added page 42
// Let a bird within threader information
// Constructed Huey in II
// Added a broken site counter (broken by incompetence)
//Well,,, Long time no see.
I wish everyone a VERY late april fools, late easter, late ramadan mubarak, late sameach pasach, AND late margaret thatcher death. Man, was I really dodling around THAT long? All those COULDN'T have happened on the same day...
You know what though! We got 17,000 views and counting. Thank you very much for peeking at this shoddy collage, and I hope it was definitely a notable Set of Pngs for a special some of you.
Apologies for the single page update, I haven't given up on it quite yet, but I just wanted to put something down so I could give II a a coat of rough paint;
Say hello to Huey, an old terminal interface I trudged out to replace the ragged basic portage view of yore. It's simplistic and limited, but I hope you love it as much as I loved putting it together!

Have a good week.
// Set up the mesh directory in II, only accessible on COMPUTER-sized screenage systems
// Added webcomicring, melonland, external link, not_found
// Updated Intro splash text
// Added pages 30-41
// Completed the intermission pages (Yes, I DID post 5 half-assed pages. Utterly blasphemous.)
// The eyes redirect you to your last page instead of throwing you head-over-heels into Index.
// Added phone warning, updated css, and hunted some roaming typos
// Other misc. Changes

// Manual's much more fleshed out
// Heavily improved Suplimental Directory [III] (contains 50% more wires!)
// Added Listeners
// Now that III's been adequately decorated, II is to be worked on next. If I've truly been observed out in the wild like this with the current state of things, it would be noted my current survival strategy in this thicket is to make my website look cool enough to compensate for the lukewarm comic it contains.
I'd love to add an art page, but that'll have to be stored in the gutter and fished out for later.
// Added pages 21-29
// Added cbox guestbook
// Testing out cbox on short notice to see if a guestbook would fit within the site well. Didn't test squat about it but feel free to scream into it very hard! I've got poor hearing.
Also fixed a few Firefox-related issues.
Just a heads up for the one fan of this project, the ceiling fan in my room that's got wifi access; Chapter 1's completion and the development on the site have had slow developments, but I did NOT abandon this.
Damn, that's crazy.
// Site posted.
// Pages 1-21, II, and III available with basic mobile phone support.
// More pages will be added once I complete them; Roughly 5 or so more before completion of Incarnadine's first part. More is to come after I get some scripting out and I've got time to actually draw. More is to come.
// Will be updated uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you know the number you get when you devide by zero in a calculator? Yes, that.

// Added buttonboard + Urgle enshrined forever + ironed out kinks, About Author page now the Index
// Decided to tack on a few bells and wistles. Just, y'know, thank you for checking out this page, it's all more barebones than a parking lot facing desertification, but I'm personally enjoying doing wheelies in its sand dunes with a little ductape-HTML tyke car like a nitro-boosted Plastic BEAST. Hope y'all have been enjoying it! I know L hasn't
Also, due to some issues that don't translate well through neocities which my baby brain can't comprehend, the divs in the main page are momentarily broken in this update board. After floundering with them for hours to fix I'm putting it on hold for later. Please mind the gap.
//Site development """""speedrun""""" started.