A ditch... is an obstruction. A hole with a finite width, heighth and length.
Its height is specific, to contain. You can either be outside of the ditch
That's right; There's allot around you right now that you can't observe
It's just not being recalled. It isn't related to you!
I'm basically stretching out an arm down to you, coincidently overlapping
Well I go through a ton of ports in a day. It's good to leave a check
And as long as I occupy a port with something, it will remain static.
A portage system. You're a likely biproduct of it.
See, a good example of relation. I relate these messages
It is more complicated than that, but that's all I'll bother to describe.
At least I sure do love to talk about it... Albeit not so generally.
[1450784]You can call me Que Threader 1450784.
[1450784]Don't try to remember that, my serial changes each time I thread!
[1450784]So I hope it isn't rude to not know me
[1450784]But it was rude to call me a bunch of birds so I don't know what to tell
[1450784]If you want to be specific I am a bunch of
[1450784]Well, not literally, to a point.
[1450784]They're simply avatars, though with a bit of a necessary flourish...
[1450784]They're definitely essential
[1450784] if I want to observe the interior of the system.
[1450784]If you don't know what a bird or dove is
[1450784]It's a small flying charasmatic creature
[1450784]Makes funny noises. Could eat you.
[1450784] Sign of good tidings. Hardy. Everywhere.
[1450784]Very good qualities to have.
[1450784]and a very memorable signature, no?
[1450784]It's especially nice to see a couple doves just sitting around.
[1450784] It makes these ports less empty for me while I thread.
[1450784]Since the whole global mesh hasn't been operated since before the Watershed collapse,
[1450784]And due to this system's ungodly efficiency in lowering the lifespan of its users
[1450784]There's plenty of the past just waiting to be uncovered in these wards.
[1450784]Some of it likely hasn't seen the light for quite awhile!
[1450784]You likely haven't either
[1450784]Makes you and where you came from quite...
[1450784] You see, I haven't seen any active development from a threader in perhaps
[1450784]Ten years?
[1450784]no twenty
[1450784]Might have to watch my back. There's another threader on the loose! hahaha
[1450784]I can't be bothered to interact with them.
[1450784]They seem to be avoiding me too, in which case;
dieu merci !
[1450784]You just mess with your strata and keep these instances over there and we won't have a problem, understand?
[1450784]Don't worry, that isn't for you. I'm leaving a note for them.
[1450784]What else would you be curious about...? Oh, I know.
[What did you mean by "watershed collapse"?]
[1450784]You would
likely not know what that is
[1450784]Or maybe you do
[1450784]You're shaking quite a bit, assumably from anticipation
[1450784]Well... Merde how would anyone describe a collapse poignantly?
[1450784]That's like describing an unread book after it's pages where
[1450784]thrown into the fire. I wouldn't know, the info is gone!
[1450784]It all went with the
[1450784]Before you probably weren't born, or realized,
[1450784] or whatever mode of occurence you took to realize yourself,
[1450784]There where only a couple disasters that occured before you existed.
[1450784]Or... perhaps a dozen. Or a thousand, raised to the eighth power.
[1450784]The world has aways had disasters.
[1450784]Mostly why I wasn't too keen on learning history.
[1450784]But the world had less disasters than it has now.
[1450784]Back then, you could build anything. Be as inifficent as possible. Burn. Rake. Connect everything.
[1450784]It was like.. a nest of cables. The southwest coast was still populated
[1450784]fed with water and rolled full of people.
[1450784]People looked allot different. But to be honest, I'm sure the rest mostly stayed the same.
[1450784]Time and people are a flat circle, especially where we are.
[1450784]What matters is, wether due to a facility called Watershed, or a man named Watershed, or the natural watershed, or or or-
[1450784]You get the idea,
[1450784](The details are lost, but the name survived,)
[1450784]A structural disaster caused most of the information in the states to vanish.
[1450784]Horrible humanitarian issue. It was a shame, what happened.
[1450784]Kicked off a bit of a silver age to boot
[1450784]and also caused us to be here
[1450784]in this ancient system
[1450784]Passing handshakes through a paradoxical hospitality machine
[1450784]as its creators have been long brining within their burial grounds
[1450784]alongide the rest of their lost terms and services.
[1450784]It took quite awhile for everything to be picked up,
[1450784]thrown down,
[1450784]and picked up again,
[1450784]But when the dust settled
[1450784]These machines and what remained of the countries' locales
[1450784]where all that was left.
[1450784]There. I don't have the energy to explain any more to you at the current moment.
[1450784]I need to reiterate once again; I wasn't expecting you here!
[1450784]And I'm only guessing you didn't know that.
[1450784]You could've been shivering to shut me up, for all I know.
[1450784]reading you isn't my area of expertise, anyways.
[1450784]I simply just love to study what the collapses have left in their wake...
[1450784]Beautifully harrowing infrastructure subsystems, oh how they haunt me so.
[Why are you so interested in beautifully harrowing infrastructure subsystems th-]
[1450784]Well, I can't say to you.
[1450784]Any other sig-tapper would know why then, of course!
[1450784]Let's just say I don't mind this system's quirks.
[1450784]No one else is paying a single glance at it, so I might as well.
[1450784]I might as well.
[1450784]You might think I'd do it for honor. Prestige, even
[1450784]And you're right. There's a LOT of info I've found that
[1450784]Well, I can't tell you.
[1450784]Damn those sig-tappers, not me.
[1450784]But I have to ask
[1450784]What's on
your side?
[1450784]Is it
How much of anything?
[1450784]Dead ports?
[1450784]A terminal opening?
[1450784]Eidetic strata?
[1450784]Fan, a
[1450784]Is that a yes? is that no? I
[1450784]C'est la vie.
[1450784]Alright, I'm sorry to be so daft. You're fine.
[1450784]I'm just a grumpy old fool.
[1450784]But, well.
[1450784]The grumpy old fool has to go.
[1450784]I hope you're impressed by how much I can relay to you.
[1450784]Brevity is clearly one of my strong suits.
[1450784]Now, I'll let you go, and you can occupy what's past the threshold, whetever it is.
[1450784]Though... Perhaps you'll see me another time.
[1450784]Imagine; I'll have found what I'm looking for!
[1450784]Then maybe we can get you a port and have a real chat.